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2025年01月16日      来源:



Smart agriculture refers to a new form of agriculture that deeply integrates new-generation information technologies, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing, with industrial equipment (such as tractors, harvesters, etc.) and agricultural biotechnology, and applies them to agricultural production. At present, our country is vigorously promoting and developing smart agriculture, encouraging more and more Chinese enterprises to participate in it. As this future trend has already begun to emerge, what will be the direction of the future efforts of Chinese enterprises in 2025?


一家国外的机构(StartUs Insights)预测了对于智慧农业2025年的十大技术趋势:1、物联网(19%);2、农业机器人(17%);3、人工智能(14%);4、农业无人机(13%);5、精准农业(11%);6、农业生物技术(7%);7、大数据(6%);8、受控环境农业(6%);9、再生农业(4%);10、连接技术3%)。

A foreign organization (StartUs Insights) predicted the top ten technology trends for smart agriculture in 2025: 1. Internet of Things (19%); 2. Agricultural robotics (17%); 3. Artificial intelligence (14%); 4. Agricultural drones (13%); 5. Precision agriculture (11%); 6. Agricultural biotechnology (7%); 7. Big data & analytics (6%); 8. Controlled environment agriculture (6%); 9. Regenerative agriculture (4%); 10. Connectivity technology (3%).


 笔者分别以“农业物联网”、“农业机器人”和“农业无人机”为关键字检索了一下上述技术领域在全球专利的布局情况。从下图可知,农业物联网领域,专利数量以中国专利为首,接下来是印度专利和美国专利;农业机器人领域,专利数量以美国专利为首,接下来是印度专利和中国专利;农业无人机领域,专利数量排在前三位的分别是美国专利、加拿大专利和印度专利。也就是,对于智慧农业领域的技术上的投入以及寻求专利保护上,中国、印度和美国属于走在世界前列的国度。 但是,笔者注意到,中国企业即使在专利数量大的农业物联网技术领域上,到国外去布局专利的比例还是偏低。

The author used "agricultural Internet of Things", "agricultural robotics" and "agricultural drones" as keywords to search for the global patents of the above-mentioned technical fields. As can be seen from the figure below, in the field of agricultural Internet of Things, the number of Chinese patents is top 1, followed by Indian patents and US patents; in the field of agricultural robotics, the number of US patents is top 1, followed by Indian patents and Chinese patents; in the field of agricultural drones, the top three countries for the number of patents are US, Canada and India. In other words, China, India and the United States are at the forefront of the world in terms of technological investment in the field of smart agriculture and seeking patent protection. However, the author noticed that even in the field of agricultural Internet of Things, with a large number of Chinese patents, the proportion of Chinese enterprises that going abroad to file patents is still relatively low.

 StartUs Insights2025年智慧农业每个技术趋势的说明中分别列举了两个具有代表性的国外初创企业予以介绍。从下图中,可以看到,美国公司以4家居榜首,紧跟着加拿大、印度和澳大利亚分别有3家初创公司。在亚洲,除了印度初创公司外,还有一家阿曼初创公司入选。2025国际乡村发展创新博览会将于3.27-29号在安徽开幕,届时将有众多中国智慧农业企业品牌参展,共同展示和探讨智慧农业未来趋势。

StartUs Insights has listed two representative foreign startups in each of the technology trend s for smart agriculture in 2025. As can be seen from the figure below, the United States tops the list with four companies, followed by Canada, India and Australia with three startups each. In Asia, in addition to Indian startups, there is also an Omani startup selected.



As an Asian country, Chinese enterprises may be more interested in the fields involved by the selected Indian and Omani companies.


印度初创公司Equinox’s Drones涉及农业无人机领域,其可以提供农作物监测、空中检查、数据处理和数据分析等无人机服务。印度另一家初创公司Fyllo涉及大数据领域,其利用云服务分析农场数据。印度第三家初创公司4CLIMATE涉及连接技术领域,其开发了一款室内农场联网气候监测器。阿曼初创公司Wakan Tech涉及农业无人机领域,其为椰枣树的空中授粉开发无人机解决方案,可以监测作物的健康状况,并配备有针对性喷洒农药和花粉的工具。

Indian startup Equinox’s Drones is involved in the field of agricultural drones, which can provide drone services such as crop monitoring, aerial inspection, data processing and data analysis. Another Indian startup Fyllo is involved in the field of big data, which uses cloud services to analyze farm data. The third Indian startup 4CLIMATE is involved in the field of connectivity technology, and it has developed an indoor farm networked climate monitor. Omani startup Wakan Tech is involved in the field of agricultural drones, developing drone solutions for aerial pollination of date palm trees that can monitor the health of crops, and is equipped with tools for targeted spraying of pesticides and pollen.



India is a country with a large population. It is striving to develop smart agriculture to solve the problem of food shortage that may occur in the country; while Oman is located in a tropical desert climate with high temperatures and little rainfall. The development of smart agriculture is conducive to precise breeding based on its domestic climate characteristics.



China is also a country with a large population, and agricultural development has always been a top priority since ancient times. Comparing with traditional agriculture, we need to develop smart agriculture more. Therefore, what directions can Chinese enterprises consider working towards in 2025?



The author believes that (1) Chinese enterprises can use their existing technological advantages to apply to a variety of agricultural application scenarios, such as seed selection, breeding, and environmental monitoring. As in the field of "agricultural drones" mentioned in the example above, China has relatively few patents, and it may be said that there are not many application scenarios for drone technology in agriculture. Therefore, Chinese enterprises can consider applying drone technology, which is already in a world-leading position, to agricultural scenarios, such as crop monitoring, collection, processing and analysis of agricultural environmental data, etc. (2) Chinese enterprises can actively seek to "go global" and explore the application of smart agricultural technology in application scenarios under different climate environments, and export China's advanced technology and products to other countries. Of course, before "going global", Chinese enterprises should pay attention to file patents in foreign countries in advance to protect their innovative achievements.






2023年受聘为上海国际经贸知识产权海外维权服务专家。毕业于华东政法大学,具有十余年的执业经验,其业务集中于涉外和跨境法律服务领域,在知识产权非讼法律事务(如专利申请、商标申请等)具有极为丰富的理论知识和实务经验。曾为多家进入中国的世界 500 强企业提供专项法律顾问服务,并助力多家国内上市/准上市公司进行知识产权全球布局。



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